Wilgenhof. That's the name of the farmhouse in Maldegem if you want to google it. We slept amazing last night. Yesterday was a bit awkward trying to understand instructions and work expectations from Rita and Hugo, but today we feel more comfortable with the routine and our role. It seems best to just go for it, and they will tell you when you are doing something wrong. Rita is very frank, which is nice because you know what she's thinking. After breakfast at 9:00, we all pulled some green beans. Then Kristin helped Rita clear and clean the table when the guests had finished eating while Andrew helped clear some nettles. Together we dug up potatoes until coffee and tea break with Rita, Hugo, Darrell, and Paulo. Potato digging is hard work, but it is so satisfying to be able to see progress and to work with your hands. Some cattle roamed behind the orchard by the garden. The garden is full of so many different berries, vegetables, and vines. Trying to learn much as possible. Today we learned that Hugo grows tobacco plants in the greenhouse to keep the flies away from the plants.
After we finished with the potatoes, we all ate lunch together, which Paulo prepared with lots of freshly picked vegetables. The zucchinis are about 18 inches long and 5 inches in diameter. Hugo and his friend make their own organic wine, which we learned a little about. Lunch was in the shade of a tree, and Hugo brought out a few of his rose and white bottles of wine.
After lunch at 1:30, we helped Paulo chop carrots, zucchini, green beans, fennel, and celery for dinner. The kitchen has lots of large pots, a 6-burner stove, and a big oven, making it seem professional.
Andrew and Hugo wheeled the potato yield away, which apparently wasn't much this season due to a late winter frost. Darrell spent the day working on the roofing to the greenhouse where the caravan is.
Hugo's friend who helps on Tuesdays made us an afternoon dessert called Sabayon. We think it originated in Italy. He used egg yolks, sugar, wine and port to make the sauce and put it over ice cream. Delicious.
Then we took the bikes to explore the town and neighboring farms. One farm had kangaroos and deer. Took a shower and are about to eat dinner. Our bodies are exhausted, in a good way.

our caravan in a greenhouse...home for a couple weeks.
trying to make friends with this cutie kitten

we found a heart potato.we have posted a handful of pictures from the beginning of the trip on flickr.com under 2 different accounts. to find go to flickr.com. then put kstein2010 or andrewbs2010 in the search box. it wont find us. so then click on people above the search box. retype kstein2010 or andrewbs2010. shoud work. there is probably a better way. the accounts have different pics.