So a normal day goes something like this:
7:30 - 8:00 - wake up
8:00 - 9:00 - breakfast
9:00 - find out from Hugo and Rita what our job will be for the day
11:30 - everyone has coffee, tea, and cookies under the tree
12:00- back to work
1:30 - lunch, all together outside (or in the greenhouse of raining)
2:30 - back to work til finished
14:00 - 14:30 - relax
8:00 - clear and clean guests dinner (alternating days with Darrell
and Paulo)
8:30 - dinner
Today Kristin helped Rita in the house because some guests were leaving and new ones coming. Then after tea she picked some peas and prepared them for Rita to cook for dinner. Andrew spent most of the day using compost to prepare the old potato plot from yesterday for planting. We were on dinner clean-up duty tonight. Rita brought us the house wines to drink during cleanup.
what a homey bucolic scene you describe! actually, it sounds like another earthier century except for maybe the raspberry beer. was glad to hear about tea & cookies under a tree and wine with KP ...(kitchen patrol [also another century]) ... nice little comforts. wwoof on.